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Public Relations, Bookstores / Signings

Elisabeth Veltman


Baker & Taylor

(Distrubtion also available through Hyevan Publishing)


Hyevan Publishing

If you would like to contact the author, please do so here.



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Book the Author!

The author would love to put your local bookstore, specialty store, school, or university on his travel schedule for a talk, discussion and book signing! *

As we build events into his schedule so that the public can get to know his historically-based novel, we'd love to include your town. We'd also love your help in getting the novel into local bookstores!

It will take a great grass roots effort to raise awareness and book sales for "A Perfect Armenian", so if you think you can help, let us know how!


Here's the Deal

If you help us do the following:

1. get at least 15 copies into your local book or specialty store - OR-

2. help set up an in person signing, discussion or author talk - OR -

3. Set up a Skype session or Google Hangout with your Book Club - OR-

4. Get your book club to purchase 15 copies or more,

you will get a signed copy of "A Perfect Armenian" (e-book or hard cover), plus a beautiful poster of the book cover art -- for free!


Your First Steps

1. Download the Sell Sheet from this page, and print.

2. Bring the Sell Sheet to your local store and passionately pitch it for us!

3. If they are interested, ask them to contact us via the information on the sell sheet.

4. Fill out the form below so we can contact them and know what they (or you) would like to do!  (and so we can send you your thank you gifts)!

Thank you for your interest in getting this novel noticed. We couldn't do this without readers and book lovers like you.

Now tell us what you've got!


If it weren’t for fiction, I believe we would know very little about our world.  A list of historic facts might come and go, but when our imaginations become involved, we learn.  
~Keri Topouzian, Author

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